Подборка: Print the Legends Channel, (Mixture). 1of 5, 25 июл 2019

Donald Trump - Bring In The Anti-Christ (THIRD TEMPLE) Alien_Demonic Entities In

Gary Harris
Chuck Motta
Chuck Motta
"He/she/whatever it is" trumpenstein is the most scared little girl I've ever heard of or seen, even in fictional works !! Hates America and all other decent countries !
Steve 6966
Steve 6966
I find it amusing you have so much hate for those who didn't vote the way you wanted. You even claim they are enraged with extreme emotional swings and throw fecal. Now being from Europe i have only EVER seen that coming from your party which i can 100% guarantee is Democrat. Your side i have seen throw urine bombs, spay people with some animal urine, lay in roads, scream at the sky, destroy universities, monuments, statues, stores, and set cars alight whilst attacking people with lock chains whilst attacking pensioners for wearing maga hats. You demand free speech be denounced from those who don't think like you. Dems require safe spaces in universities against hurt feelings or words that might upset them and at the same time showing true racism against any mexican or black person who does not align with your liberal way of thinking. And you post that as your profile pic, dude your in serious denial or mentally deluded LOL.
Chuck Motta
Chuck Motta
LOL so you're an admitted anti-American like trumpenstein... sad. I am for ALL AMERICANS, no matter the color or race. I am against people who are trying to destroy MY country. And here in Russerica we still have Freedom of Speech.... for now.
Donald Trump - Bring In The Anti-Christ (THIRD TEMPLE) Alien_Demonic Entities In
Видео: Donald Trump - Bring In The Anti-Christ (THIRD TEMPLE) Alien_Demonic Entities In
Видео: Donald Trump - Bring In The Anti-Christ (THIRD TEMPLE) Alien_Demonic Entities In
Видео: Donald Trump - Bring In The Anti-Christ (THIRD TEMPLE) Alien_Demonic Entities In
Видео: Donald Trump - Bring In The Anti-Christ (THIRD TEMPLE) Alien_Demonic Entities In
Видео: Donald Trump - Bring In The Anti-Christ (THIRD TEMPLE) Alien_Demonic Entities In
Видео: Donald Trump - Bring In The Anti-Christ (THIRD TEMPLE) Alien_Demonic Entities In
Видео: Donald Trump - Bring In The Anti-Christ (THIRD TEMPLE) Alien_Demonic Entities In
Видео: Donald Trump - Bring In The Anti-Christ (THIRD TEMPLE) Alien_Demonic Entities In
Видео: Donald Trump - Bring In The Anti-Christ (THIRD TEMPLE) Alien_Demonic Entities In
Видео: Donald Trump - Bring In The Anti-Christ (THIRD TEMPLE) Alien_Demonic Entities In