Подборка: I Love Lucy, 25 июл 2019

I Love Lucy- s1ep12 the adagio

Mayra Letícia
Chastity Reynolds
Love this one. This is in my top 10 favorites. My 2 favorite lines are 1: "Don't try to get away you gigolo" and 2: when Lucy is saying that the trick Ricky was playing was very rude and that she will never speak to him again and as she's saying that Ricky makes her stop by kissing her, also making her forget what happened and what she said
I Love Lucy- s1ep12 the adagio
Видео: I Love Lucy- s1ep12 the adagio
Видео: I Love Lucy- s1ep12 the adagio
Видео: I Love Lucy- s1ep12 the adagio
Видео: I Love Lucy- s1ep12 the adagio
Видео: I Love Lucy- s1ep12 the adagio
Видео: I Love Lucy- s1ep12 the adagio
Видео: I Love Lucy- s1ep12 the adagio
Видео: I Love Lucy- s1ep12 the adagio
Видео: I Love Lucy- s1ep12 the adagio
Видео: I Love Lucy- s1ep12 the adagio