25 июл 2019

Mud truck with big block and big tires takes a dive

((( Игорёк )))
((( Игорёк )))
Ни о чем!!!
Светлана Павловская
Светлана Павловская
((( Игорёк )))
((( Игорёк )))
Не бояться и не едут!!!!!
Алексей Брежнев
Алексей Брежнев
да,русским далеко до таких машин)))
Виталий Слюсарев
Виталий Слюсарев
Mud truck with big block and big tires takes a dive
Видео: Mud truck with big block and big tires takes a dive
Видео: Mud truck with big block and big tires takes a dive
Видео: Mud truck with big block and big tires takes a dive
Видео: Mud truck with big block and big tires takes a dive
Видео: Mud truck with big block and big tires takes a dive
Видео: Mud truck with big block and big tires takes a dive
Видео: Mud truck with big block and big tires takes a dive
Видео: Mud truck with big block and big tires takes a dive
Видео: Mud truck with big block and big tires takes a dive
Видео: Mud truck with big block and big tires takes a dive