Подборка: Fred MacMurray Movies, 23 июл 2019

The Far Horizons 1955 with Charlton Heston, Fred MacMurray and Donna Reed

Juhi Thakur
Robert Goodman
I see a film like this with of all people Donna Reed playing "Sacajawea" and can't help but think how in today's "modern thinking" social justice warriors would have demanded an actual "Native American" woman play the role. It's true though, she hardly makes a convincing Lemhi Shoshone Indian.
Robert Goodman
Fascinating, presidents sweat, 8:17, see his underarm area of his shirt.
Robert Goodman
It never occurred to me that Fred MacMurray is 15 years older than Charlton Heston, but it is obvious. There was at most a 4 year age difference between Meriwether Lewis (younger) and William Clark (older)
Robert Goodman
It's sad that Hollywood contrives such [love] stories out of whole cloth.
Annette Townsend
Annette Townsend
Omg - the self-aggrandization; 'the good white man' - and he had to rename her, as if she was an exotic plant he found..... I know why I've never seen it on TV! But interesting to watch, simply for the inherent racism and notions of white supremacy.
The Far Horizons 1955 with Charlton Heston, Fred MacMurray and Donna Reed
Видео: The Far Horizons 1955 with Charlton Heston, Fred MacMurray and Donna Reed
Видео: The Far Horizons 1955 with Charlton Heston, Fred MacMurray and Donna Reed
Видео: The Far Horizons 1955 with Charlton Heston, Fred MacMurray and Donna Reed
Видео: The Far Horizons 1955 with Charlton Heston, Fred MacMurray and Donna Reed
Видео: The Far Horizons 1955 with Charlton Heston, Fred MacMurray and Donna Reed
Видео: The Far Horizons 1955 with Charlton Heston, Fred MacMurray and Donna Reed
Видео: The Far Horizons 1955 with Charlton Heston, Fred MacMurray and Donna Reed
Видео: The Far Horizons 1955 with Charlton Heston, Fred MacMurray and Donna Reed
Видео: The Far Horizons 1955 with Charlton Heston, Fred MacMurray and Donna Reed
Видео: The Far Horizons 1955 with Charlton Heston, Fred MacMurray and Donna Reed